The US Run - 1

The trip to new york
I'll remember this one for the bus ride. We took the megabus from ann arbor to new york - oh yes, and we went via Chicago. It was an overnighter. Why? Frugality. Why Not? We were young (this was the pre 30s era). It started well - the lyft to the bus stop. And then my optimizer kicked in - what an irritating fellow. Which seat shall we sit in? What shall we do? Are we tracking to goal? We eventually settled on the top berth. After eyeing the rather monotonous freeway accouterments, we ventured below. Soon after, I attempted to lose myself in reading my MBA textbooks and career guides. Reading along with motion sickness never go well and the slide into counting cars started. After an indefinite amount of hours - we arrived in NYC. We shuffled out - grabbed our garbage and luggage - looked at each other weary eyed, and wondered where to now. Aah yes- we stayed in New Jersey. That meant grabbing the luggage and taking the train to that other side of town.

The New Jersey hotel was a Fat Milestone. What is a Fat Milestone - those spacetime distance markers which impact your health forever. Hungry and tired - we ordered a $17 pizza - and we got a 36" pizza which lasted us 3 days (and a lifetime).

New York was larger than life - central park - rude camera shop employees - expensive boroughs. We stopped at an irish bar, We went to empire state building - the lines were long. According to my SO, we went to a chapel and some harbor. I have no idea - and this is my blog post - so I shall continue on. There was a lot of walking in this trip - also I think we (acc. to my SO) went to the museum. I vaguely remember seeing canvases, sitting on a bench - but that could be any other museum as well. Oh Well. Wait- now I remember. We went to St. Patrick's cathedral  - they were having some construction work at the time - but I still remember the beauty and vibe of the place. I think NYC was that - brooklyn, the skyline, observation decks, museums, cathedrals. A wonderful bustling town - however with so many layers - not all sugar and spice though.


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