
Showing posts from July, 2014

10 tips if you're moving to Singapore (or any new place for that matter)

 If you're a  moving/recently shifted to Singapore- this blog post could possibly be helpful for you (Extra credit if you're a 20-28, indian, single and semi introvert with unresolved issues). Heck - it may be unhelpful as well - but i feel like writing. These are my top 10 uninsights for you: 1. Be mentally prepared - Get ready to be lonely and get your mind ripped. Yes - you've got that coveted NRI status. The $$$ are eye watering. But - something seems amiss. If you've not truly been alone before - long empty nights in a city which you cant connect with will distort your judgement. Just keeping this fact of life (Labelling those moments) - helps. 2. Keep yourself fit. Ensure you live a healthy lifestyle. I noticed I would feel a bit out during evenings - my retrospective hypothesis is that it was the just the long time between meals. Also - Singaporeans are very fit. Between the national service, genetics and peer pressure - everyone has really good figur...